Today I will start with Barnsley Gardens Resort along with the tormented history of this amazing property.

The first thing I noticed winding our way down a path toward the ruins of the mansion was the amazing trees and plants, none of them seemed indigenous to the area. I had never seen anything like it before. Come to find out that most of the trees and plants were brought back by Godfrey Barnsley the original owner of the 10,000 acre property formally called the Woodlands. These plants and trees came from all over the world as he traveled as a cotton broker.

In 1828 Barnsley married Julia Henrietta Scarborough, daughter of William Scarborough a wealthy Savannah merchant and shipbuilder.
During the course of their marriage they had six children (other reports claim eight children) but in 1842 Julia fell ill so Barnsley decided to move the family to Adairsville, Ga. to escape the threat of malaria and yellow fever.

Barnsley dismissed the warning of the old Indian and continued with the construction of the mansion. Soon after completion of the mansion tragedy fell upon the family with the death of their infant son and then his wife Julia in 1845 from Tuberculosis. Adelaide Barnsley their second daughter died suddenly in the mansion in 1858. Barnsley’s oldest son Howard was killed in 1862 by

The Union troops lead by General McPherson gave orders to leave the property intact but this order was ignored and many of the mansions precious items were destroyed. The structure stayed intact and was one of the few that that were spared in the Atlanta Campaign.
Barnsley moved to New Orleans by the end of the war to attempt to regain his fortunes to no avail.
Once again tragedy struck the Woodland grounds. When Barnsley relocated to New Orleans he appointed Confederate army captain James Peter Baltzelle, husband of Barnsley’s daughter Julia to manage the property. In 1868, Baltzelle who made a living shipping timber from Woodlands was killed by a falling tree. Daughter Julia along with her child Adelaide left Woodlands to join her father in New Orleans. Julia met and married German ship captain Henry Von Schwartz who later died twelve years later.
Godfrey Barnsley died in New Orleans, 1873 he was brought back to Woodlands where he was laid to rest.

In 1935, Harry had been overseeing the Woodlands property while his brother Preston was pursuing a career in boxing. Upon the return of Preston to the Woodlands, Preston though his brother Harry was plotting to take his share of the estate.
Preston approached Harry in the basement about his plot and an argument broke out. Preston pursued Harry wielding a gun, the chase through the house ended on the main floor with Harry fatally shot and he died in the arms of his mother. The blood stain remains still to this day on the old wood floor. |
Their mother Adelaide (Miss Adie) died in 1942 at which time Woodlands was sold to W. Earl McClesky who used the land for farming. The property sold once again in 1988 to Prince Hubertus Fugger and wife Princess Alexandra of Bavaria at which time they consulted with a Native American shaman whose name is Richard Bird to remove the curse that was placed upon the property many years before.
Currently Barnsley Gardens is owned by two Dalton, Ga. businessmen. The combined efforts of past and current owners have evolved Barnsley Gardens f/k/a Woodlands into an amazing resort that bodes class and style that will not fail to impress.
Oh!...but let’s not forget – with all of the tragedy could it be haunted? Well there are claims that many ghost roam around the mansion ruins.
After Barnsley’s wife Julia passed away he claimed that she appeared before him at the beautiful fountain that adorns the front lawn. She made a request to him to continue completing the mansion for their children’s sake. He took heed of her spirits request and dedicated himself to fulfill her wishes.
As further evidence to Barnsley that his deceased wife Julia was watching over them came as a letter that he received one day. It read:
“Dear Mortal Barnsley,
Julia is with me and all doing fine.”
William Scarborough
This letter was signed by his deceased father - in –law in his handwriting.
Colonel Earl who was fatally shot on the grounds warning of Sherman’s army approach has claimed to be seen drinking from the stream that is located at the back of the mansion.
Godfrey Barnsley’s ghost has been reported by staff members as well. Reports claim the sounds of him shuffling at his desk and strolling through the beautiful gardens with his beloved wife Julia.
Do you believe in ghost? Take the short drive north and experience the wonders of Barnsley’s Gardens for yourself!
Wikipedia Barnsley Gardens
Wikipedia Godfrey Barnsley
Roadside Georgia
Kyle L. Miller
Rise Up Paranormal
Wikipedia General James B. McPherson